
Rust API server for LanguageTool

2022-07-01 (updated 2023-08-13) #rust#opensource

Alternative to the official Java API server, using the nlprule and symspell crates

Source code/binaries Github



LanguageTool is an open-source alternative to Grammarly for natural language linting (spelling, grammar, style), with a large set of rules. Multiple clients exist for its API, bringing functionalities to Firefox, Chrome, LibreOffice, Thunderbird, emacs, and many more.

Self-hosting LanguageTool

While most users access LanguageTool through the official hosted server (with a free or paid plan), the Java API server can be hosted locally, which can be particularly desirable for privacy reasons (e.g. when editing confidential documents).

Even though the browser extensions are unfortunately closed-source, they still allow custom servers to be specified.

Lightweight LanguageTool API server

Benjamin Minixhofer wrote a Rust crate, nlprule, that is able to parse and then apply LanguageTool rules noticeably faster than the original Java implementation (see this benchmark). More complex rules written in Java are not supported and spellchecking is not implemented, but nevertheless roughly 85% of the LanguageTool grammar rules (as of 2021) are available.

Using nlprule and symspell (for spell-checking), we can implement a simple LanguageTool API server in Rust that can then be called from a variety of contexts using LanguageTool clients.

Official LanguageTool browser extension using the Rust API server

The code and binaries can be found on https://github.com/cpg314/ltapiserv-rs.
See the README there for the configuration as a systemd service as well as the setup of the clients.

Comparison with the Java server

Running H.G. Wells’ War of the Worlds (~6k lines and 62k words) through the two servers, using hyperfine and httpie, we get:

$ docker pull erikvl87/languagetool
$ docker run --rm -p 8010:8010 erikvl87/languagetool
  http://localhost:{port}/v2/check language=en-us [email protected]'
$ for port in 8875 8010; do http --form  POST http://localhost:$port/v2/check \
                            language=en-us text=@wells.txt | jq ".matches|length"; done
$ hyperfine -L port 8875,8010 --runs 10 'http --ignore-stdin --meta --form  POST \
                   http://localhost:{port}/v2/check language=en-us [email protected]'

The additional false positives in ltapiserv-rs seem to come mostly from the spell-checking.

CommandMean [s]Min [s]Max [s]Relative
ltapiserv-rs16.002 ± 0.62915.56617.7451.00
java30.594 ± 2.37229.56937.2961.91 ± 0.17

With only a paragraph (to simulate something close to the normal use of LanguageTool, say in emails):

CommandMean [ms]Min [ms]Max [ms]Relative
ltapiserv-rs379.7 ± 9.3362.6393.41.00
java706.9 ± 198.1555.91226.61.86 ± 0.52

Command-line client

The code also contains a simple command-line client (which should be compatible with any server), ltapi-client.

$ cat text.txt | ltapi-client --server http://localhost:8875
$ ltapi-client --server http://localhost:8875 test.txt

The client uses ariadne to get a very nice graphical reporting of the errors:

Command line interface


API endpoint

The LanguageTool API is documented here. It suffices to implement the HTTP POST /v2/check endpoint that processes

pub struct Request {
    text: Option<String>,
    data: Option<String>,
    language: String,

and returns

pub struct Response {
    pub matches: Vec<Match>,
    pub language: LanguageResponse,
pub struct Match {
    pub message: String,
    pub short_message: String,
    pub offset: usize,
    pub length: usize,
    pub replacements: Vec<Replacement>,
    pub sentence: String,
    pub context_for_sure_match: usize,
    pub ignore_for_incomplete_sentence: bool,
    pub r#type: MatchType,
    pub rule: Rule,

The most important fields in Response are offset, length (defining the span of the suggestion), message, replacements, and Rule.

There are a couple of small tricks required to get the closed-source browser extensions to behave as expected, e.g. in displaying grammar and spelling errors with the right colours and showing tooltips.

LanguageTool in the browser

LanguageTool in the browser

Grammar, spelling, and repetition checkers

The main functionality, returning suggestions based on an input text, can be reduced to the following method:

pub fn suggest(&self, text: &str) -> Vec<api::Match> {
    let mut suggestions = Vec::new();
    for sentence in self.tokenizer.pipe(text) {
        debug!("Processing sentence {:#?}", sentence);
        // Grammar suggestions from nlprule
        // Spelling and repetitions, processing the sentence token by token.
        let tokens = sentence.tokens();
        for (i, token) in tokens.iter().enumerate() {
            // ...

The Match::from method performs conversion between an nlprule::Suggestion to a Match, essentially copying over the span and the message.

The nlprule crate does not yet support spell checking, but we can add a basic version using the symspell crate and leveraging the tokenization we already have from nlprule. Similarly, the tokenization allows us to implement a word repetition rule that did not seem present in nlprule.

Future work